Materials & Short Blogs
Luther, the Church Year, and the Divine Service
God’s Year of Grace (pdf)
A Path Worth Taking
The Three Holy Days
A New Journey Begins
Our Mission
“On Christ, the solid Rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”
Mission Statement: Founded and focused on Jesus Christ, Redeemer Lutheran Church seeks to welcome, catechize, and baptize all people and strengthen them through God’s Word and Sacraments to live as God’s people in their daily vocations.
Vision Statement: Our vision is to provide a place of reverence for the people of God to receive the gifts of God.
Vision Statement Explanation
To provide a place of reverence – “The church is not a building.” We often hear this. And it is true, the church is the gathered people of God – living stones in a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:4-5). However, the people of God need a place to gather. We believe that this place is special (Psalm 150:1). In fact, our church sanctuary has been dedicated to the glory of God for the use of holy activities (Psalm 122:1). We consider it a place of reverence – where God is revered, honored and worshipped. A beautiful sanctuary, stain glass, candles and fine organ music enhance God’s house and our worship services. Jesus Himself was upset when the temple was treated irreverently, overturning the tables of the moneychangers (Matthew 21:12-13). God’s people are strengthened in faith when they have a beautiful sanctuary they can receive the –
Gifts of God – This is why we gather for worship – to receive the gifts God has for us – His Word of Law and Gospel, forgiveness of sins, adoption in Baptism, peace with God in the Body and Blood of Jesus, the assurance of Life and Salvation. All those gifts that we receive in the Divine Service sustain our faith and enable us to live the life to which He has called us. And receiving those gifts, we respond with hymns of praise and prayers of thanksgiving (Psalm 116:17-19).
On Christ, the Solid Rock we stand.
Our congregation is built on the solid foundation of the blessed Prophets (Old Testament) and Apostles (New Testament) with Jesus Christ being the Cornerstone of His Church (Ephesians 2:19-22). Any other foundation will not endure the storms and ravages of a changing world (Matthew 7:24-27). As one of our members eloquently stated, Redeemer is not a church that shifts with the times, but one that “provides a solid Rock in a world that’s gone a bit crazy.”
Mission Statement Explanation
Founded and focused on Christ
Christ is our foundation. He is the Messiah promised by God (Genesis 3:15), prophesied by the prophets, (Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, etc.) witnessed by the Apostles (2 Peter 1:16). He is the Resurrection and the Life because, having made atonement for our sins, He rose victorious over death and the grave.
Christ is our focus. All that we do as a congregation is focused on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). Keeping our eyes on Him, we continue to receive the gifts He so dearly paid for and wants us to receive.
Redeemer Lutheran Church:
Seeks to welcome – we are a welcoming community. Our Lord welcomed all who responded to His call to repent and believe the Gospel (Matthew 9:10-11, 1 Timothy 1:15). So, we also seek to welcome into our fellowship all who are looking for what we offer: forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation through Jesus Christ.
Seeks to catechize – to catechize simply means to instruct, to teach. Those whom we welcome, we wish to instruct (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Acts 8:26-38). To do this, we use Luther’s Small Catechism – a marvelous introduction to the Christian Faith. For children (ages 12-14), the period of instruction normally lasts for two years leading up to the rite of Confirmation. For adults, it is a shorter time frame.
Seeks to baptize – Holy Baptism is God’s great gift that bestows forgiveness, life and salvation (Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Peter 3:21). In the Sacrament of Baptism, we are connected to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 6:1-11). Our sinful nature (Old Adam) is buried with Christ, and a new nature is bestowed. In Baptism Christ claims us as His own. It is truly a most blessed Means of Grace.
Seeks to strengthen – Life in this world continues to challenge Christ’s holy people. We are assailed by temptations, attacked by Satan, plagued with doubts and disturbed by our sins and failures. We repeatedly fail to be the people God wants us to be. To strengthen us for these trials, God has provided us with His Word (Law and Gospel) and Sacraments (Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and Holy Communion). Together, these are known as the Means of Grace – the means God uses to bestow upon us forgiveness, life, and salvation.
To live as God’s people in our daily vocations – God calls us to live as his children in the various callings or vocations to which He has called us. We are not just fathers and mothers, but Christian fathers and mothers, not just children, but Christian children, not just a laborer or manager, but a Christian laborer or manager. Whatever calling God has given us, we carry it out as a child of our heavenly Father.
Doctrinal Foundation of Redeemer Lutheran Church
The purpose of this congregation shall be to serve its members and to spread the Kingdom of God by the preaching of the Word of God, by administration of the Sacraments, and by the religious instruction of the youth and adults, according to the confessional standards of Lutheran Church-Canada, and to foster Christian fellowship and charity. These purposes are carried out under the following theological commitments:
This congregation as a body, and all its members as individuals, accept and acknowledge all the Canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the verbally inspired Word of God and the only rule of faith and life, and all the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 as a true and sound exposition of Christian doctrine taken from and in full agreement with the Holy Scriptures. Hence, in this congregation no doctrine shall be taught or tolerated which is at variance with the Symbols of the Evangelical Lutheran Church:
- The three Ecumenical Creeds: The Apostles, the Nicene and the Athanasian
- The unaltered Augsburg Confession
- The Apology of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession
- The Smalcald Articles
- Luther’s Small Catechism
- The Formula of Concord
- Luther’s Large Catechism
All doctrinal controversies which may arise in this congregation shall be decided and adjudicated in accordance with the preceding doctrine (Rom. 16:17; Matt. 28:20).
Hymns and liturgies used in this congregation in public worship and in all ministerial acts, and all literature used in the educational program of the congregation shall be in agreement with its theological commitment.
About Closed Communion
In the Lord’s Supper, we receive the True Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This is received in, with, and under the elements of Bread and Wine: given and shed for you, for the forgiveness of sins and the strengthening of your union with Him and one another. Our Lord invites to His Table those who trust His Words, seek repentance for sins, and who “forgive those who sin against” them so that we love as Christ loves us. The Lord’s Supper is a confession of the faith confessed at this altar. Because we care that no one is harmed spiritually, we practice Closed Communion; so any who are not yet baptized, or not instructed in the faith, or who belong to a church holding to a confession differing from that of this parish or Lutheran Church Canada, and yet wish to receive the Sacrament are asked to speak with the pastor.
Redeemer Lutheran Church Worship
- Weekend Service Schedule
- Sunday at 10:30 am
- Divine Service following the Church year format
- Fellowship in parish hall following
- Divine Service following the Church year format
- Sunday at 10:30 am
- Other services
- Holy Baptism during Sunday Divine Service
- Marriage
- Funerals
- Anniversary/milestones related to church organization
- Worship related groups
- Altar Guild
- Care for the altar with its furnishings, linens, and paraments in preparation for each service; arrange for flowers in the sanctuary.
- Ushers
- Act as greeters and assist people to communion
- Musicians
- Choir, organ, other instruments
- Altar Guild