
Dear friends in Christ,   The master of the household doesn’t give equal shares to his servants. One gets five talents of money. One gets two and one gets one.…
I. Ten Virgins   "Oh, come on, you've got to share." That’s the pleading voice of five foolish virgins as the Bridegroom draws near. The wedding feast is about to…
Dear Friends in Christ,   This morning I would like to look at this text from 1st John from two perspectives – first, according to the Law of God, and…
Dear Friends in Christ,   My mother’s mother was a wonderful and hard-working woman. She was my grandma, but we always called her “mom”. And my grandpa we called “pop”.…
Dear friends in Christ Jesus,   * Did you put on shoes this morning, or did you come to church in a car? * Do you eat cereal for breakfast,…
Dear friends in Christ,   What’s a father to do? Tom Benson had two sons. He needed the lawn mown. The lawn was such a mess and the Benson’s friends…
Dear Friends in Christ,   Today’s service, as you have probably noticed by now, has a definite harvest theme. The Gospel lesson which serves as our text is a harvest…
Dear Friends in Christ,   I. Kingdom of Patience or Kingdom of Mercy? Peter gets the kingdom of heaven wrong. But this is a good thing for us, because we…
The Word of the Lord from Matthew 18:3: Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”…

“The Way of the Cross”

September 3, 2023
Dear Friends in Christ,   There are many stories about Simon Peter in the Bible. There are ninety-three references to Peter in the New Testament and he is referred to…
Dear Friends in Christ,   “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” That sounds like the kind of question you might get when someone is taking an opinion…
Dear friends in Christ,   A close reading of the Bible reveals that many of the fiercest struggles that people have are not with the devil, not with the world,…
Dear Friends in Christ,   This morning we have before us a collection of short parables that our Lord teaches in Matthew 13. It may seem at first to be…
Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,   I very much enjoy being a homeowner, but I wish our house weren’t so preachy. It preaches to me all the time. It has…
Dear friends in Christ,   We have, in today’s Gospel lesson, a well-known parable of Jesus—the Parable of the Sower. The Sower goes to sow seed upon his field. Some…
Dear Friends in Christ,   Several years ago, Nancy and I were terribly saddened and disturbed by the news that a friend and member of our former congregation had taken…
The Word of the Lord from Matthew 10: Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace,…
Dear Friends in Christ,   In last Sunday’s Gospel Lesson we saw that Jesus divided the twelve disciples into teams of two each.  Jesus then sent them out, instructing them,…
I. The Savior Sends It’s no wonder the crowds gather: they’ve heard about Jesus. He’s going from town to town, city to village. He’s preaching about the Kingdom of God.…
  Dear friends in Christ,   Trinity Sunday is the one Sunday in the whole year which is devoted to a celebration of God. That may sound a little strange,…

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