Dear Friends in Christ,   I’ve heard it said that when something bad happens to our neighbor, he has a problem. But if that same bad thing happens to us,…
Dear Friends in Christ,   I. The Sleeping Savior in the Storm   Who is this—who is this One in the back of the boat?   It’s still pretty early…
Dear Friends in Christ Jesus:   Confidence! Confidence in what you are doing can be very key to one’s success. When a lack of confidence is perceived by others, it…
Dear friends in Christ,   In the Gospel reading for today we encounter people expressing a couple of different opinions about Jesus. One is a temporary misunderstanding about him. The…
Dear Friends in Christ,   Rest. Relaxation. A day off. Attractive words, aren't they? People tell me again and again how busy they are, how much they would like to…
I. In the Temple This story seems so far away from you and me in space and time. It’s the year that King Uzziah died – that’s nearly 3000 years…
Dear friends in Christ,   You are living in the last days and the end of the world draws near. I don’t say this because of anything in the news…
Dear Christian friends,   What joy we find in today's Gospel lesson! Our Lord Jesus Christ is praying to His Father in heaven. He is praying for Himself. He is…
Dear friends in Christ,   I. Water and Blood Of the apostles, different sources tell us that it was St. John who lived the longest. After Jesus rose from the…
Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,   “Stay where you are!” “Don’t move!” These commands sound rather restrictive. They are imperatives that can sound oppressive and limiting, like we’re being told…